
become ideologically corrupt中文什么意思

  • 思想蜕化
  • become:    vi. (became; become) 1.变成,成为 ...
  • ideologically:    思想意识地
  • become:    vi. (became; become) 1.变成,成为,转为,变得〔后接名词、形容词和分词等述语〕。 He has become a sailor. 他成为一名水手。 It has become warmer. 天暖和起来了。 At last the truth became known to us. 我们终于知道了真相。 2.发生,产生。 It sometimes becomes that these accounts are misleading. 这些说法有时会引起误解。 vt. 适宜,适合,适于;与…相称,与…相当。 Such words do not become a scholar. 那样的话不像出自学者之口。 It would ill become you to praise yourself. 你自夸自赞是很不得体的。 Your dress becomes you well. 你的衣裳挺合身。 become of (人或事物的)情况,遭遇,结果,归属 (What has become of him 他后来的情况怎样了?〔口语〕他到哪里去了? I don't know what will become of the children if their father dies. 我不知道这些孩子在他们的父亲死后会发生什么情况)。
  • become of:    (人或事的)情况,遭遇,结果,归属; 发生...情况,怎么啦; 发生…的情况; 发生于;结果是; 降临; 怎样(用于问句)
  • a corrupt text:    同原文有出入的文本
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        become:    vi. (became; become) 1.变成,成为 ...
        corrupt:    adj. 1.腐败的,腐烂的,污浊的;道德败坏的,堕落的 ...
        ideologically:    思想意识地
        corrupt:    adj. 1.腐败的,腐烂的,污浊的;道德败坏的,堕落的,品行坏的;贪污的(官吏等)。 2.(文献等)错误百出的,不可靠的。 corrupt air 污浊的空气。 corrupt morals 坏风气。 corrupt officials 贪污的官吏。 corrupt practices 舞弊,行贿。 corrupt language 传讹语。 vt.,vi. 使腐败,使颓废;使堕落;行贿收买;败坏(风俗等),抄错,印错,转述错(文献,原词等);腐败,恶化。 adv. -ly ,-ness n.
        become:    vi. (became; become) 1.变成,成为,转为,变得〔后接名词、形容词和分词等述语〕。 He has become a sailor. 他成为一名水手。 It has become warmer. 天暖和起来了。 At last the truth became known to us. 我们终于知道了真相。 2.发生,产生。 It sometimes becomes that these accounts are misleading. 这些说法有时会引起误解。 vt. 适宜,适合,适于;与…相称,与…相当。 Such words do not become a scholar. 那样的话不像出自学者之口。 It would ill become you to praise yourself. 你自夸自赞是很不得体的。 Your dress becomes you well. 你的衣裳挺合身。 become of (人或事物的)情况,遭遇,结果,归属 (What has become of him 他后来的情况怎样了?〔口语〕他到哪里去了? I don't know what will become of the children if their father dies. 我不知道这些孩子在他们的父亲死后会发生什么情况)。
        become of:    (人或事的)情况,遭遇,结果,归属; 发生...情况,怎么啦; 发生…的情况; 发生于;结果是; 降临; 怎样(用于问句)
        a corrupt text:    同原文有出入的文本
        alleged corrupt:    所指称的贪污
        corrupt administration:    腐败的行政管理
        corrupt air:    污浊的空气
        corrupt and evil:    腐恶
        corrupt and incompetent:    腐败无能
        corrupt disk:    损坏的磁盘
        corrupt element:    腐化分子
        corrupt morals:    坏风气
        corrupt official:    赃官
        corrupt officials:    腐败官员; 贪官污吏; 贪污的官吏
        corrupt practice:    舞弊行为
        corrupt practices:    贪污行为, 舞弊, 行贿
        corrupt r:    双写
        corrupt sword:    蜕化之剑
        corrupt the cadres:    腐蚀干部
        corrupt transaction:    贪污舞弊交易
        corrupt weapon:    腐化武器
        corrupt;erosion:    腐蚀


  1. become good friends 什么意思
  2. become greatly attached to each other 什么意思
  3. become greenish-blue tinged 什么意思
  4. become hard 什么意思
  5. become history 什么意思
  6. become impetuous 什么意思
  7. become incontinent 什么意思
  8. become increasingly abundant 什么意思
  9. become increasingly active 什么意思
  10. become increasingly mature 什么意思


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